AIVP invites you to a webinar with the ports of the Indian Ocean: together we will tackle the question of their resilience facing climate change, which is particularly affecting these islands, but also the challenges connected to the energy transition and to the port-city interface.
Tuesday 28 February 2023 (11:00 – 12:30 CET Western and Central European Time / 13:00 – 14:30 Madagascar, Comoros, Mayotte Time / 14:00 – 15:30 Mauritius, La Réunion, Seychelles Time)
The port cities of Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and the Seychelles, as well as those of neighbouring islands, play the role of capital, cultural and heritage centre and national economic engine. They are interconnected and stand on several South-South maritime routes. However, the Indian Ocean islands are also at an ecological crossroads. As the AIVP, a long-standing active partner in this region of the world, wishes to help the port cities to adapt and transform themselves, we have been carrying out a study on the “greening of the ports of the Indian Ocean” for more than a year.
As we approach the end of this collective reflection, we wanted to organise this webinar to share the first conclusions with the members of our network. Join us for a lively and forward-looking discussion!
Speakers :
- Bruno Delsalle, AIVP General Manager
- Vyas RUGHOONAUTH, Corporate Secretary, Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA), APIOI
- Henri DUPUIS, Directeur Exploitation Commerce, Grand Port Maritime de La Réunion (GPMDLR), APIOI
- Mohamed Said DAHALANE, Directeur général, Société Comorienne des Ports (SCP)
- Sony PAYET, Chief Executive Officer, Seychelles Ports Authority (SPA), APIOI
- Patricia AUBRAS, Directrice régionale Océan Indien, AFD
- Théo FORTIN, Head of international projects and cooperation, AIVP

Languages: French, English.
Partners :
- French Development Agency (AFD)
- Association of the Ports of the Indian Ocean Islands (APIOI)
Participants :
- Mauritius Ports Authority
- Port of La Réunion
- Comores Ports Company
- Port of Ehoala
- Port of Toamasina
- Seychelles Ports Authority
- Mayotte Departmental Council