The deadline for submitting a project to the inaugural AIVP Antoine Rufenacht Prize officially passed on the 21st of July 2024. More than 20 projects were submitted, representing many different port cities from all over the world. The impressive level of participation reflects the strong interest shown by local and port authorities in this initiative, which is aimed at promoting the most outstanding approaches to port-city interface development. The Expert Panel has already begun the task of assessing the entries and will identify a final shortlist. A Grand Jury will then convene on the 10th and 11th of October 2024 in Le Havre (France), where AIVP’s headquarters are based, to judge the finalists. The winning entry will be officially announced on the 27th of November in Lisbon (Portugal), at a ceremony held during the AIVP World Conference.

Find out more about the projects competing for the Prize:

Find out more about the AIVP Antoine Rufenacht Prize: