AIVP is organising a series of webinars entitled “Port City Talks” to continue to debate, to build the port city of tomorrow and to keep in touch with our members.
The next AIVP webinar will be held in French on Thursday 1st October 2020 at 15:00: 00 (CEST / GMT +2) and will be moderated by Bruno Delsalle, directeur adjoint de l’AIVP, with: Christian Char, Vice-President of the Port of Beirut (Lebanon), Charlotte Goujon, Vice-présidente, in charge of health and industrial health and safety, Métropole Rouen Normandie (France) ; Gaëtan Siew, special Envoy, ONU Habitat ; Eric Pourtain, Deputy Director – Head of the Technological Risks Pole, CYPRES (France).
These webinars are exclusively for our members, but if you wish to attend, you can ask us for access.
About this webinar:
The terrible incidents that took place less than one month ago in Beirut and Maurice have logically scared many citizens living in port cities around the globe. Today, millions of persons in coastal areas ask themselves if they are safe, they question if their local port also hosts a warehouse with dangerous products, or if their local authorities are trustworthy. In this context AIVP invites port and city representatives to discuss their point of view in the current situation, learn about security measures implemented in other regions of the world, and mostly to discuss how can citizens feel safe again.
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