MGI, a highly respected expert in the field of Cargo Community Systems (CCS), is pioneering new ways to facilitate and accelerate goods data exchange between international trade operators. MGI aims to be a key partner for tomorrow’s ports and environmentally responsible logistics operators, as they move towards digitisation in search of improved performance and competitiveness. Some 13 port communities representing over 4,500 users from the shipping and logistics industries have opted for MGI solutions.
The latest solutions developed include:
- Ci5, the next generation of CCS built on a modern architecture and open source technology, to support new innovations in the areas of Big Data, the IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), blockchain and smart containers.
- Channel 5, a system driven by an AI engine that promotes efficient goods management in port communities, offering improved forward visibility, decision-making and data exchange
The solutions deployed in port communities provide greater fluidity, traceability and competitiveness, whilst limiting the carbon footprint. They are fully in line with the Smart Port / Smart City approach.
MGI is also an expert in logistics and regulatory processes, and provides audit and consultancy services for port community stakeholders. The company has ISO 27001 certification for Information Security Management, and works with France’s national cybersecurity agency, ANSSI, on cybersecurity management methods.
Why did you decide to join AIVP?
AIVP runs a vast network of stakeholders involved in city port relations and issues. By networking, and sharing information and best practices, we can all move forward and develop new strategies and innovative solutions to tackle the environmental challenges facing us between now and 2030.
How do you expect to benefit from your membership of AIVP?
By being part of AIVP, we will expand our network of contacts, share and gain information about the innovative approaches taken by port cities.
What will you bring to AIVP?
We can bring our expertise in the digital transformation of port communities, to ensure more efficient, environmentally responsible goods management, and promote improved city-port integration.
We have already deployed our solutions at the ports of Marseille Fos, Dunkirk, Bordeaux, Sète, Lorient, Brest, Saint-Malo, as well as Martinique, Guiana, Mayotte, Tahiti and New Caledonia. They have helped mitigate environmental impacts by: promoting the dematerialisation of documents as part of a “zero paper port” initiative; eliminating unnecessary goods traffic and reducing congestion at maritime shipping terminals, on roads, and in the areas around terminals, by enabling operators to share data in real time. We are also working on national and European R&D projects aimed at making logistics chains more efficient, whilst helping to reduce the carbon footprint of goods transit.
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