BLUMORPHO is committed to channelling disruptive innovation as a means of driving the major transitions our societies are currently experiencing. We build bridges between the owners of innovative solutions and decision-makers faced with strategic challenges, while factoring in the critical aspects of financing and investment. Our role is to identify and support top-class innovations and coordinate effective collaborations between startups, industrial firms, investors, and institutional stakeholders. We are active in key sectors including healthcare, industry, and the blue economy, working to pave the way for solutions with a measurable, sustainable impact. Ours is a holistic approach that encompasses everything from technology, disruptive business models, and environmental issues, to promote strategic, on-point investments.

We began our work on the blue economy a few years ago by concentrating on recreational sailing, with a focus on luxury yachting and marinas. With its high capacity for innovation and financing, the industry has the capability to take a leadership position. From there, we looked to expand our approach to include the wider maritime transport sector, still incorporating the focus on tourism but covering the cruise industry also.

We are now convinced of the need to break down silos by adopting a holistic approach. That’s why we are working with AIVP on the urban-port ecosystem, including the city and its residents, the port, the maritime industry, and affiliated stakeholders.

We do that in several ways. First, we identify real needs in terms of innovation and transition. Next, we facilitate financing by mobilising private and public funding, designing innovative financing models, and bringing financial stakeholders on board with efforts to grow the blue economy. We support startups and businesses developing high-impact solutions for ports, marine resource management, offshore renewables, and decarbonisation of maritime shipping.

Our goal is to make innovation an effective tool for transforming coastal and maritime communities.

AIVP is an essential platform for bringing together port city stakeholders around the green innovation transition. By joining the network, we are looking to step up our impact by working hand-in-hand with ports and cities committed to developing sustainable solutions. We talk to other AIVP members to gauge real-world requirements and deliver practical solutions. The network also opens up access to local and international ecosystems, enabling us to facilitate financing and deployment of strategic projects. We firmly believe that the dialogue and collaborative initiatives developed among AIVP’s members will accelerate the transformation and generate added value for port cities and regions.

Traditional financing models are not always well-suited to innovation and environmental projects. So we need to devise new mechanisms. Mixed public/private financing is one avenue, combining public subsidies and private equity to reduce risks and roll out innovative solutions more quickly. Then there are things like impact investing and green or blue bonds, which help direct funds towards sustainable city-port projects that are attractive for institutional investors.

BLUMORPHO plays a central role by structuring these models and connecting project owners with strategic partners and investors to develop a resilient, sustainable port economy.

You are present at numerous international events and have innovative ideas about how to get ports and cities involved. What are your plans for the forthcoming UN Ocean Conference taking place in Nice this June?

To mark the UN Ocean Conference (UNOC) taking place in Nice in June, we are teaming up with AIVP to organise a gathering in Monaco on 6 June. The event aims to showcase some real-world examples of innovative projects and their funding models.

With backing from the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the day-long event will take place in the lead-up to the Blue Economy and Finance Forum and the UNOC. It will bring together stakeholders committed to the initiative called “Financing Maritime Innovation and Infrastructure for Climate and Ocean”, with the aim of showing that concrete solutions do exist and can be financed. We invite all interested AIVP members to join us. Contact us at to be part of a collective movement that’s vital to the maritime and port transition.