Call for applications

Introduction and objective
The AIVP and MedCruise launched in November 2021 a joint Working Group (WG) focused on sustainable port-city relationships and cruises. This group, gathering 25 members from both organizations, focused on exchanging good practices and debate new policies and solutions relevant for the cruise sector aimed at reducing their impact in port cities and finding a balance relationship.
During the first year, the WG held 6 meetings in which ports, cities, experts and representatives from governments, companies, and organizations (CLIA, GPH, French Government, Global Sustainable Tourism Council, or UNWTO) discussed the most recent projects and initiatives being developed around the globe. The key topics from this first season were:
- Communication and Engagement with Stakeholders
- Resiliency and sustainability
- Community building
- Post-covid recovery and international cooperation
A new year, more ambition
For 2023, both organizations have agreed that it is the time to be more ambitious without losing the original focus of the initiative. The mission of the group will be to draft a base document that can be appropriated by the members of both associations to structure their port-city-cruises relationship. This document, drawing inspiration from other port-city charters, will identify key principles for sustainable cruise activities in port cities, responding to the best practices discussed in the first year and the ones we will discuss during the second one.
Opportunity to join the Working Group
A core group of members from both organizations will continue participating in the WG, but it is also now an opportunity for new members to join this group and work on this new port-city cruise charter.
The tasks of the WG members will be:
- Identifying key principles that can make cruise activities sustainable in port cities.
- Contributing with best practices, references, ideas, policy documents, etc. that support these key principles, showing how they can be applied in concrete settings
- Potentially contributing to the writing of the charter
- Joining the discussions and participating in the debates.
- Suggesting topics and expert guests for sessions of the WG
- Identify the challenges and risks that can slow down the implementation of good practices.
Compromise and calendar
A core writing group will be formed, to be discussed in the first session of the new year. Members will be able to choose their role, if they want to contribute actively to the writing exercise or just providing ideas.
There will be a total of four meetings for the second year of the WG. Members of the WG are expected to join all the sessions that will take place either online or in hybrid format, during one of the events of both organizations. The calendar of the meetings will be discussed in the first meeting.
Application and Calendar
Members of AIVP and MedCruise can apply to be part of the Working Group.
The language of the WG is English.
AIVP members interested in joining this Working Group should send an email to: with the following information:
Name of the person that would be representing their organization and his/her and position
• Name of the person that would be representing their organization and his/her and position
• Short explanation (100 words) of their motivation to join this working group and their expectations
• Indicate one example of project developed to improve the interaction between port city and cruises
Applications are open until the 15th of April 2023.