The World Ocean Summit gathered more than 1500 delegates in Lisbon, Portugal, between 27th of February and 1st of March to discuss issues such as: ocean climate solutions, ocean science and data, blue food, finance, shipping, plastics and more. The AIVP has been a media partner of the event, providing a port-city perspective on these topics and involving our network in the program of the conference. Further on, the involvement of the AIVP was more intense on Tuesday 28th, when José M P Sánchez, the Director of Agenda AIVP 2030, moderated a debate entitled “Transitioning ports to blue economy hubs” with Emma Cobos (Port of Barcelona, Spain), Philippe LeBlanc (Port of San Diego, USA), Ruben Eiras (Forum Oceano) and Alex Santander Guerra (Ministry of Energy, Chile). Key questions addressed were: How are ports elevating their support of the blue economy? What are the opportunities to blue economy offer for the port-city relationship? And what are the limitations that port authority face when supporting blue economy projects? The conference also addressed other issues such as green corridors or how to build resilient supply chains.