The relationship between ports and cities is a global challenge, and the big apple is not different.

AIVP, represented by its Vice-President Mario Girard and the Director of the Agenda 2030, Dr. José M P Sánchez travelled to NYC on the third week of August to strength the collaboration with local institutions from the big apple involved in ambitious port city projects. The delegation also included the Mayor of Quebec City, Bruno Marchand, and the Chairwoman of the Port of Quebec, Ms. Olga Farman. During the visit, AIVP learnt about the ambitious plans being developed by the NYC Economic Development Corporation concerning Brooklyn’s waterfront, and its importance in the broad strategy for the decarbonization of the city. AIVP also met with the Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, confirming that issues such as the decarbonization of the maritime sector, the dialogue with the stakeholders and training of the work force are present in many different contexts, including this American port. During this week we also had the chance to meet with the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce, confirming the interest of different local business to engage in international networks. The NYC with the highest population, is also becoming the most innovative one, with key areas such as the Brooklyn Army Terminal, Industry City and Brooklyn Navy Yard, all in formed industrial sites on the waterfront. Finally, we also had the opportunity to meet with NYC Tourism, reinforcing the idea of potential future cooperation with the local port-city ecosystem.