Self-Assessment of the Agenda 2030 by AIVP

After drawing up the Agenda 2030 in 2018 to adapt the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals to the context of port cities, AIVP wanted to support its members in implementing these goals in their development plans through the creation of a self-assessment tool. The aim of the self-assessment tool is to provide our port and city members with a tool to monitor their progress in implementing the 10 objectives of the Agenda 2030 by AIVP in their projects and general operations.

The self-assessment tool allows the using entity to:
– establish a baseline of where the entity is at currently in the implementation process and, in the long-term, how they have progressed;
– obtain a holistic perspectiveof how their entity is doing in regards to all the goals of the Agenda 2030 and the UN SDGs;
– obtain ideas on next steps or highlight innovative projects already conducted by the entity.

More about the tool

The Self-Assessment tool of the Agenda 2030 by AIVP is designed to assess your structure’s progress on attaining the 10 goals the association has set its members for 2030 in order to develop sustainable port cities. The self-assessment tool comprises approximately 120 questions, both quantitative and qualitative in nature. The questions are designed to encourage self-reflection on the various goals and subgoals of the Agenda 2030 as well as serve as a basis of reference to understand how to advance in the following here. The AIVP strongly encourages for the structure to take time to discuss their answers internally, across different teams, as we do not expect one person to have all the answers.

The Self-Assessment tool has been developed for AIVP’s port and city members to use on a yearly basis to track their progress in regards to attaining the Agenda 2030 goals. All answers and results are private and will not be shared by the AIVP. We have confidence that our members answer the questions of the self-assessment tool in full honesty and based on the data they have available.

The AIVP team can support our members in analyzing their results and suggesting ways to improve through benchmarks or master classes. If the user sees that one of their projects could be a good practice while answering the questionnaire, we strongly urge them to contact our team as well. If there is a project that meets several of the objectives, we recommend that they go look at the AIVP Prize Antoine Rufenacht.

The AIVP strongly encourages the users of the Self-assessment tool to contact the AIVP team if they have any questions regarding the questionnaire or their results (


Would you like to test your entity?

User Guide

Prior to connecting to the self-assessment tool, please reset your password on the AIVP webpage. The user can do so by clicking on “Member area” in the top right corner and then choosing “First login or forgot your password” and following the process.

Currently, the Self-Assessment tool is only available to members of the AIVP. By using the log-in information for the AIVP website, members can also access the Self-assessment tool platform. The user can access the self-assessment tool by pressing the blue button. In order to collaborate with colleagues, we recommend using the same login information. This allows colleagues to be able to see what the others have done and discuss questions that may require a different perspective.

Click here to download the user guide PDF: User guide-Self-assessment tool


Operation supported by the French government as part of the Fonds d’Intervention Maritime (FIM) operated by the Direction Générale des Affaires Maritimes, de la Pêche et de l’Aquaculture (DGAMPA).