10 commitments for a sustainable action

Why this agenda ?

The AIVP Agenda 2030 includes 10 goals indicating the main challenges for sustainable port cities, and 46 measures for action. Each one of AIVP’s 10 goals connect to several UN SDGs, responding to the holistic approach we need for sustainable development.


Our aim is to inspire port and city actors to act following the AIVP Agenda 2030, maximizing the investment and resources.

10 goals related to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals


No poverty


Zero hunger


Good health and well-being


Quality education


Gender equality


Clean water and sanitation


Affordable and clean energy


Decent work and economic growth


Industry, innovation and infrastructure


Reduced inequality


Sustainable cities and communities


Responsible consumption and production


Climate action


Life below water


Life on land


Peace, justice and strong education


Partnerships for the goals

Our good practices

Good practice
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Vancouver (Canada): access links integrated into the city

In Vancouver, Low Level Road was a highway running along the North Vancouver waterfront, parallel […]

Good practice
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Aarhus (Denmark): “Harbour Magnets” – the port is the star of the show

In Aarhus, the temporary « Harbour Magnets » installations are changing the way people see […]

Good practice
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Copenhagen (Denmark) houses its students in containers

Copenhagen, a beautiful city that is in some ways the victim of its own success, […]

Good practice
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Fremantle (Australia): 250 listed heritage buildings

Twenty hectares of the West End, a district that embodies the economic boom created by […]

Good practice
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Copenhagen (Denmark): the perfect dock for a stroll

The Kvaesthus Pier in Copenhagen has been transformed by Lundgaard and Tranberg Architects into a […]

Good practice
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Rouen (France) modernity reflected by the impressionists and the port’s history

Designed by architect Jacques Ferrier, the new headquarters of Métropole Rouen Normandie opened in summer […]

Good practice
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The Port of Guadeloupe (France) is protecting the coastal ecosystems

The Grand Port Maritime of Guadeloupe started the environmental Plan Cáyoli in 2016, planned over […]

Good practice
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A multi-faceted co-existence strategy for the port of Fremantle (Australia)

Fremantle is located at the mouth of the Swan River, around twenty kilometres from Perth. […]

Good practice
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Oakland (USA): military and railroad facilities recycled for port activities

Until a few years ago, the Port of Oakland had 12 modestly-sized container terminals, originally […]

Good practice
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Koper (Slovenia): “no waste, just resources”, waste to fight dust

The economic growth of the port of Koper has made environmental issues a key focus […]