Owing to an outstanding location on the West-European sea board, HAROPA - Port of Le Havre, 1st French port for external trade and 5th largest North-European port for container trade, accommodates each year around 6,000 vessels among which the world largest containerships. Accessible 24/7 without any limitation of tide, it handles over 70 million tonnes of cargo every year and 40 % of the French imports of crude oil. Being a member of HAROPA, 1st French port system, together with the ports of Rouen and Paris, Port of Le Havre offers a fast gateway to all continents for all world major shipping lines with around 700 ports of call. As one of the biggest European port systems, HAROPA has about 500 hectares of available land along the Seine corridor. It helps its customers setting up and managing competitive and sustainable logistics systems to serve the N° 1 European consumer basin.