Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company (BPI Co.) is a statutory corporation and the landlord of all Bulgarian sea and inland ports. BPI Co. is the managing body of the public transport ports and is responsible for the development and modernization of the Black Sea ports of Varna and Burgas and the Danube river ports of Lom, Vidin and Ruse. In addition to its regular activities such as construction, maintenance and rehabilitation of the port infrastructure, wave protection and shore-strengthening facilities, etc., BPI Co. also provides traffic management and shipping information services, performs functions to enhance the safety and efficiency of maritime and river transport.
The Head office of BPI Co. is located in Sofia. In the biggest port cities of Bulgaria –Burgas, Varna, Lom and Ruse, are located the four Branches, the Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) and River Information Services (RIS) Authorities and the Port Terminals Operation Directorate of the company.