The Executive Committee
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Vice President
The AIVP is a non-governmental organisation governed by the French law of 1st July 1901 on associations. Its aim is to encourage exchanges between cities, ports and their institutional and economic partners, to promote the development of port cities and ports. The AIVP is at the same time a force for international proposals, a structure for the exchange of information and contacts, and a resource centre for expertise.
The members of the AIVP are legal entities who pay an annual subscription. The members are divided into 3 colleges: local authorities, port authorities and professionals. Each member has the right to vote in the General Assembly to validate the annual activity programmes and budgets. Each member elects its representatives to the Board of Directors.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed of up to 33 directors who are elected for a period of 3 years. The Board of Directors meets at least twice a year. It is partially renewed each year.

Seine Estuaire Chamber of Commerce and Industry, France

Urban Planning Agency of the Dunkerque region, France

Urban Planning Agency of the Le Havre region, France

La Marina de Valencia, Spain

Porto Antico Di Genova, Italia

Shipping Chamber of Mersin, TURKEY

Société d’aménagement pour la reconversion de la zone portuaire de Tanger Ville, Maroc