Waterfronts are one of the most attractive sites in port cities. They include public spaces, passenger terminals, commercial, cultural, sports and recreational facilities. Large gatherings are frequent. Today, health concerns related to the global pandemic continue to dominate the media. However, the management of all types of risks in these areas, which are designed to accommodate a large and diverse public, remains a major concern for local stakeholders. It is impossible to forget the terrorist attacks that have taken place in recent years in port cities such as Nice or Barcelona. Employees, local visitors or tourists, often gathered in large numbers in the same open space, can be ideal targets and it is the responsibility of the managers of these spaces to anticipate the risks and implement appropriate preventive strategies. The safety of citizens and visitors on land and at sea cannot rely solely on technological solutions; the human factor can play a crucial role in this process.
In this webinar, we will discuss with our president and vice president, leaders of the ports of Brussels and Quebec, the security challenges they face on their waterfront. We will also learn from the head of the Genoa waterfront about their new innovative safety system combining employee training and new technologies, and the advice a safety expert can give in these and other cases.
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