The European Green Deal and its accompanying raft of legislation together form an ambitious political and legal framework. Europe’s ports are right behind the “Fit for 55” green targets. AIVP has been watching developments in this area closely for several years, calling for all stakeholders to work together, with the adoption of an innovative approach aimed at making the green transition a reality. At the 2024 conference of the ESPO (European Sea Ports Organization), held from 24 to 26 April, the member ports asked for time to put their plans into action, along with financial support to help them with the vast investments needed. Some measures, such as the installation of shore power infrastructure, require public grants as they generate benefits for wider society. AIVP was represented at the conference, to follow the discussions as a friendly observer. Théo Fortin, AIVP’s Head of International Cooperation, was on assignment in Paris where the event took place. A side meeting was also held between the partners involved in the European MAGPIE and PIONEERS projects, to compare the technological innovations being driven by both projects. AIVP is actively involved with MAGPIE, while several of its members are part of the PIONEERS initiative. These working events were organised in conjunction with the UPF (Union of French Ports).